100% Carbon neutral shipping

For our shipments, we work with Asendia, a 100% carbon-neutral logistics centre.  Asendia’s founding companies are La Poste (France) and Swiss Post. La Poste was the first delivery operator in the world to reach carbon neutrality by 2012 for mail, parcel, express and digital services. Asendia is proudly continuing that heritage with sustainability as a core focus.

Offseting plans

To offset 100% of its emissions from aircraft and transport vehicles, Asendia invests in projects that promote renewable energy and support local communities.

The scope covers all emissions from international transport, including last-mile delivery by local partners for national and domestic deliveries.

Gaolin Wind Project (China)

China is the world's largest producer and consumer of coal. Since 1990, carbon emissions have increased by 343% and despite air pollution and the respiratory illnesses, coal still covers nearly 70% of China's energy needs.

This project, located in Yunnan province and Liaoning province, promotes the use and development of renewable energy. It covers the construction of 88 wind turbines with capacity of 1500kW each, for a total of 148,5 MW installed.

Read more about "Gaolin Wind Project"